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The purpose of the Mutual Insurance Companies Association of Indiana (MICAI) is to serve the mutual property and casualty insurance companies in Indiana and, indirectly, their many thousands of policyholders throughout the state by perpetuating the mutual concept.

MICAI serves its members by providing timely educational seminars, opportunities to meet with state and federal lawmakers through organized grassroots efforts, and representation of member interests before the Indiana General Assembly and governmental agencies such as the Indiana Department of Insurance. MICAI also acts as a resource, providing answers to a variety of questions dealing with the Indiana statute and regulatory requirements.

MICAI Mission Statement

“To encourage, develop and maintain cooperation between mutual insurance companies and associations of Indiana by promoting and protecting the principles of mutuality, by encouraging and promoting reasonable and uniform enactment, interpretation and administration of insurance laws applicable to the membership; to keep the membership advised of all matters which will benefit this association, its members and the public; and to educate the membership on subjects of common interest.”

Officers and Board of Directors


President: Jason Mueller, Oakwood Mutual Insurance Company
Vice President/Treasurer: Jennifer Osting, Decatur County Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Immediate Past President: Phil Overmyer, Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Executive Vice President: Rick Pitts
Assistant Director: Taralyn Gallahan

Board of Directors

Terms Expiring February 2026:

Ben Brooks, Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance
Brittney Scott, Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Tipton County

Terms Expiring February 2027:

Jason Brown, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company
Amy Dilger, Ferdinand Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, Inc.

Terms Expiring February 2028:

Melanie Blythe, Mutual Fire Insurance Company of French Township
Brian Dettmer, Wayne Insurance Group

MICAI History

Founded in 1897 in the office of former Governor James A. Mount, MICAI has a proud history of service to mutual property and casualty companies throughout the state of Indiana and, indirectly, to their many thousands of policyholders.

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